
Re: Keegan

Despite a fairly major setback, Keegan is doing well and recovering nicely!
The planned date for surgery was postponed due to the discovery that Keegan was anemic.  Apparently due to the blood loss when the cyst burst, he lost juuust a bit too much blood.  Makes sense.
So, surgery was pushed to the following week... and all went really well.  He was home that same night- groggy from the anesthesia, and feeling good from the pain medicine- but doing very well overall.  As seen in the picture, he still has a bandage on his tail.  The tough little guy really hasn't shown any ill effects, in fact he has seemed quite a bit rejuvenated.  He seems much more like his old, lovable self.  Not that he wasn't lovable prior to surgery, but I think it's quite apparent how much discomfort and (maybe) pain he was in.  
He hasn't tried to remove the bandage.  His breath doesn't reek!  He seems to have no real notion than anything happened- and he has only thrown up twice in 12 days!  Wonderful news!

Em and I are excited to be around him more like we used to- spend time playing, cuddling, and hanging out without fear of hurting him or making a mess.  The staples are to be removed Tuesday, and with that we hope the bandages too...  he may be back to unencumbered status very soon!

And as seen in the picture... his tail isn't all that short- which was certainly a worry of ours going into the surgery.

Glad to have you healthy and happy buddy!

*Written on a lazy stormy Sunday in July while listening to "Rearviewmirror: Greatest Hits 1991-2003-Pearl Jam"*

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