

My blog is titled, "the form of function" and its tagline states, "my soul is shaped by life, this is what it looks like..." What this means is somewhat convoluted and pedantic. Due to that, I'll try to summarize what I like to think of is the essence of my blog:
-form and function- the idea that shape/ style/ substance may be different from purpose and scope.
-many times these ideas work harmoniously, and many times they are at odds.
-my philosophy is that form should always follow function (however, I did not dream up this theory!).
-this philosophy dates to the early 20th century and the early years of modern architecture.
-Frank lloyd Wright popularized this idea that form shall follow function.
-however, the originator of this idea was Louis Sullivan- the father of the skyscraper.

So, what does this mean?
So, why is this relevant?
So... I bet you're asking whey I'm doing this?
Here you go...

-I've always believed that any design or plan takes its shape from the function with which the plan was born or intended.
-form, style, shape, substance, color, size, etc. shall be dictated by the intended purpose (or function) of the idea, product, etc.
-in short, work well first and look good second.
-as it pertains to me, I define function as the things that I do, the things that I see, the things that I hear, the things that I feel, the people I love and hate and meet, the places I go, the experiences I have, etc.
-as it pertains to me, I define form as who I am and what I feel and what I think and what I believe and what I stand for.
-as it pertains to me, I define my soul as my FORM and my experiences as my FUNCTION
-the function of my life is what creates my form.
-my soul follows my function because it is created BY it
-therefore, my soul is shaped by my function
-therefore, my souls shape and color and size and essence takes its design cues from my function
-therefore, "my soul is shaped by life, this is what it looks like..." is my way of stating: this is who I am, and these writings are the roadmap through which I've created my soul...

Every so often it seems that something comes along and forces your soul to the forefront- a display of soul more evocative and stronger than the phrase, "wearing emotions on your sleeve" can describe. A moment where you literally break down and can't help by show how you feel about something. Weather it be immense happiness shown through a large grin, or incredible pain that comes out as a scream or a groan. Sometimes it simply comes out as tears and raw emotion...
This type of thing happened to me recently, and it came in a quite unexpected form and in a very unexpected outburst. To put it simply, I broke down in sobbing tears when I read this:


I don't know if you will have the same reaction about this as I did. It's not relevant. What happened to me as I was reading this story was pure, it was real, it was beautiful, and to keep it relevant to what I've written above- it was my soul eeking out from my body. It was my soul being shaped by my life and my function. My soul's shape in those few moments took the form of tears and yearning and sadness and hope and awe and so many other emotions...
I want to be there. I want to be a great man. I want to be in the moment and be there for my wife and my kids and my family and my friends. I want to recognize what all those special people need from me. I want to be better. I want to live for more than just myself.
John Dickerson. He's on my list of my "8 Favorite People of all Time" (ok... a story for another day)! This is precisely the reason why he's on the list.
Go read the article. It may not have the same effect on you as it did me. That's ok- if it does not, go find something entirely your own that draws the shape of your soul. Go out and let your function shape your soul...

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