
"Spygate", will you please die now!?

I hate to play a role in dragging out this scenario even longer; in sensationalizing a story that ought to be put to rest, but I just can't resist posting this video from CBS News.

First and foremost, I laud Belichick for his apparent candor and forthrightness during the interview. Many people will always feel that he's a sneak, a cheat, and arrogant; and that any truth he tries to spin at this point is just his way of putting his finger in the hole in the dam. I feel otherwise, he appears to have clear and concise answers and reasons for the "situation", and doesn't resort to emotional finger pointing and dodging of blame and reason. I like his demeanor and tone, and wish that an interview like this could be the sort of thing that puts an end to this melodrama.

I do wish that CBS News would have played the whole interview on their broadcast- instead of relying on viewers to surf to their website for the entirety of the conversation. The snippets from the TV broadcast are sensationalistic and shallow, and beget more questions than they answer.

Here's the entire interview. In my opinion, this "spygate" crap should be put to rest, and all the "cheating" talk should die along with it.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.554603&w=425&h=350&fv=link%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fsections%2Fi_video%2Fmain500251.shtml%3Fid%3D4104334n%26releaseURL%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Frelease.theplatform.com%2Fcontent.select%3Fpid%3DZLrGTX0nbJ7vKjyWreX1e5VhCqPqyTLx%26partner%3Dnewsembed%26autoPlayVid%3Dfalse%26prevImg%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fthumbnails.cbsig.net%2FCBS_Production_News%2F710%2F476%2Fketeyian_full0516_480x360.jpg] from www.cbsnews.com posted with vodpod

1 comment:

Stack said...

Amen Streeter. America hates the Pats.