
What does a Gorka actually look like??

Last Saturday, Emily and I went to the Berkshire Museum in Pittsfield to see a musician that we both enjoy. Yes, you read that correctly- it was in fact in PITTS-field!! His name is John Gorka, he's an immensely talented Folk singer. Not folk music in the sense of Woody or Arlo Guthrie, but more in the sense of James Taylor. If you're a fan of good musicianship and good voices, then you'd love this guy.

It was an intimate setting; only about 200 or so pepole gently packed into a middle school-like auditorium. It was quite interesting- here the two of us were, in a room full of people more closely resembling our parents age than our own. It was almost as if we should have been nervously waiting behind the curtain to show off our own version of "The Music Man"-- harkening back to the days of middle school plays, etc.

Anyway... I'll save the review of the music for a better equipped, more eloquent soul... and besides, I've included a link to a "real" review for your perusement.
Em and I had a great time, the music was superb, Mr. Gorka was energetic and comical, the audience was respectful and involved, and... oh yeah, the company I was in attendance with was just top notch!!

Check this review out if you're interested: This Is A Gorka

Also check out allmusic's info on this cool cat: And This Too

Well, I'm off... maybe I'll update this a bit more than I have been... stay tuned!

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